Hedyeh Beyhaghi

College of Information and Computer Sciences
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Office: 250 CS Building
hbeyhaghi at umass.edu

I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass Amherst. My research focuses on algorithmic game theory and mechanism design, machine learning theory, and algorithms under uncertainty.

I received my PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University. Before joining UMass, I held postdoctoral research fellow positions at the Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTIC), Northwestern University, and Carnegie Mellon University.

Prospective Students: Thank you for your interest in joining my group. While I may not be able to respond to individual emails about PhD admissions, students interested in my research are encouraged to apply through UMass Amherst's graduate programs and mention my name in their application.

Curriculum Vitae
